Private Residence, Los Angeles
Photography by Karyn Millet
Interiors and Architecture by Studio Tim Campbell
Los Angeles-based interior and architectural designer Tim Campbell and his husband Steve Machado have a strong content driven collection of contemporary emerging and mid-career art. Their passion for bold works that are content rich and politically provocative makes for lively conversation when visiting their modern home in the Silverlake area of Los Angeles. I have had the pleasure of working with Tim & Steve over the years and introducing them to New York artist Forrest Williams' lusciously painted male figure paintings, and San Francisco based Taravat Talepasand's sly and beautifully crafted egg tempera on panel paintings. Together we found prime pieces by these artists for their collection, placing them in signature locations in the house to add and amplify the other art and elements in the spaces. This collection is a great example of combining a personal passion with a keen and loving eye to create densely layered environments that are unique to the collectors.