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Ready to get started building an art collection for your home or office, or have questions about my services? Great! I help people choose, source and coordinate fine art for spaces large and small. Please tell me a little about your project in the form below.
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Instagram is the place to appreciate art and beauty in everyday life. See what inspires me by following @marxartadvisory.
HMxAA is based in the San Francisco East Bay and serves clients all over the country. Heather Marx is is a member of the Association of Professional Art Advisors (APAA), the only accrediting body for the industry in the United States. Working with an APAA art advisor ensures that while you are exploring the vast and complex world of fine art, you will be given advice from an impartial, experienced professional who, as your advocate, works only on your behalf. Marx has a BA and MA in Art History from the University of California, Santa Barbara.
PRINCIPAL Heather Marx